Travel Agency


Product Designer
UI/UX, Product Design and CSS Integration
  • Created eye catching and functional digital design concepts across various platforms to strengthen company brand identity.

  • Designed marketing and campaign emails while maintaining brand’s voice and aesthetic.

  • Created visual prototypes that demonstrated new concepts and features.

  • Completed projects from initial research and conceptual design through testing and implementation phases.

  • Used Git on daily basis to work on local branches along with team members.

  • Tested on staging and runned scripts to deploy GitHub branch to production environment.

welcome email redesign

The flight experts

Every element resonates with FlightHub's brand identity, fostering a sense of consistency and trust.

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Welcome Email Newsletter (Original Design):
Low Engagement Rates

Users were not actively engaging with the content, leading to missed opportunities for building a connection with the brand.

Uninspiring Design

The design of the existing welcome email was outdated and lacked visual appeal.

Insufficient Call-to-Action (CTA)

Opportunities for guiding new subscribers toward exploring the platform and making their first purchase were missed.

Clear Value Proposition

Clearly communicate the unique selling points and benefits of subscribing to Flighthub in a concise and compelling manner.

Mobile Optimization

Optimize the welcome email for mobile devices to cater to the increasing number of users on smartphones.


Implement robust personalization strategies to tailor content based on preferences, previous interactions, demographic information.